March 3rd is "Hina Matsuri". It is a day to celebrate the girls in your family. Dolls are displayed and special sweets and foods are eaten. We celebrated with Kie's grandparents. Kie especially enjoyed putting out her dolls and we all had a nice dinner together. We departed a bit from the traditional food and had chicken w/egg rice bowls which Kei helped make. Although we did have the traditional clam soup and sweets!
It was good to celebrate our daughter!
We use Japanese traditional events with different meanings. Originally, the doll festival was used to get rid of bad luck from the girls to the dolls so they could make a good marriage and have a happy life. They used to throw the dolls away on the 3rd of March. Nowaways the dolls are displayed until the 3rd when they are put away for another year. It is said that if you do not put them away on the 3rd your daughter will not be able to marry. We are not bound by those superstitions. We celebrate Kie's life and pray for God's blessing upon her.
Love the picture of Kie and her dolls! I used to have a set like it!! Brings back many good memories. I felt so bad that I forgot Girl's Day this year! The kids had to remind me then the special card arrived from Grandma...i felt like a schmuck!!!
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