Chaos and Kairos

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Boy's day and Basketball

Between April 29th and May 5th are a series of holidays that make up "Golden Week" here. Kei had one day of school during the past week and Kie had two. (Kei's school's inauguration day is also during this week.) Many people travel during this time and Tokyo becomes rather relaxed and quiet. It is actually a nice time to stay home. Kie had lots of basketball games. Two full days of mini-tournaments and a half day of regular practice. This time they were all at our local school so it was easy for Takeshi and I to come and go. Kie played really well and it was fun to watch. They played tough teams and there was lots of drama. This picture shows Kie making a basket!! (She is in the black uniform, second from left.)
On Friday night we celebrated Boy's day, by having the grandparents over for dinner. We started at 6:30pm when Kie got home from basketball practice. We had tonkatsu with cabbage salad and rice and miso soup. We also had the tradition sweets for dessert. We had a nice time. This is a picture of the grandparents and Kei with his set of armour that we display every boy's day. (Takeshi has a small helmet that we display in the entry way!) Kei received this from his grandparents for his first boy's day 13 years ago. It is pretty cool.


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