Since we were staying on an Island we got to take the ferry over and back. The ferry schedule is fixed and the ferries are punctual! Some of our group missed the final ferry and had to stay overnight on shore and some just missed the ferry and had to wait for the next one. (The wait could be from 15 to 45 minutes.) We were scheduled to take the 3:45 ferry to Hiroshima for our excursion one afternoon. We car-pooled and used the mini-bus to get there. We were in the first car and we arrived in time for the 3:30 ferry and so we boarded. The mini-bus was right behind us and we figured they would be able to board since they didn't have to park. Well, they got off the mini-bus and were just a few yards away when the ferry decided to leave without them. In one of the pictures you can see them (including Kie) on the dock as we take off!

The pictures of Takeshi and I were taken just after we left our only daughter stranded on the docks of Etajima. (I am sure this will be part of her life story at some point....) We did wait for the next ferry with all the rest of our group to arrive before going into town!

On the way home we were running late to catch the 8pm ferry. (The last ferry of the day was 8:45pm). It was 5 minutes until 8 and we were still in the trolley--which, unlike trains, has to stop for red lights and let people off when they want to get off! We had a plan to have our fastest runners dash off and see if they could get the ferry to wait this time for all 26 of us! Our runners arrived at 7:59pm with all of us dashing behind them. Babies were being carried and toddlers were literally flying as they were drug along by their parents!! The ferry people had pity on us (or at least on our children!) and held the boat for 3 minutes! We were off at 8:03 just as the last person was stepping on!

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