It just isn't for kids you know... The parents have to be involved in some way! This year's PTA relay involved each grade racing to dress up a teacher. The teachers knew they were being dressed up, but they didn't know what they were being dressed up as.

The sixth grade parents dressed up Mr. Kawasaki from 6-1 as a first grade girl. Mr. Nakayama 6-2 (Kie's teacher) was dressed up as his mom. There were 10 parents from each grade plus the room moms (me and 3 others). I passed out the articles of clothing for the team members to dress the teacher with. Team members must wear a wig and carry a colored rope as they do this. Quite the competition. 4th grade won--they dressed up the male teacher as a high school girl anime character. We came in second. All the kids loved it. (Another teacher was a maid, one a fireman, one an imp, one a doctor) The costumes were very creative.

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