Game Cancelled!

Today was an invitational tournament where we were to play against teams ranked in the top eight in the Greater Tokyo area. We were quite excited about the games. Well, not excited about the meeting time of 6:30am at the local park. But Kie and I got up, packed lunches and a large thermos of coffee and headed out the door to walk to the park. The main difference this morning was that is wasn't as dark as this time last month and it was snowing pretty steadily. When we got to the park we found out that the game had been cancelled because one of the teams could not get over the mountain due to the amount of snow and the host team's city already had over a foot piled up... I thought indoor sports were exempt from weather cancellations!! But I guess if the teams can't get there .... I was looking forward to the gym today because it is not as cold as the other gyms we have been at recently and I wouldn't have to pile on as many layers. (Usually I am in multiple layers with a scarf and a blanket, heat packs and a jacket on all day!! Inside!!) Now we are back at home and all I have to decide is which room I will be in today so that I can heat it!

This is a picture of our pond. You may be wondering how the fish do in winter. Well, usually the fish do very very well in winter. I love to see their orange shapes warming up the pond. If you look closely you will notice two things: one there is a layer of slush on top of the pond and two there is no orange in the pond. The fish were abducted about two weeks ago in the middle of the day. I stepped out for an hour and when I was back they were gone. Later in the day I got an excited call from Kie--Mom there is this large white long-legged bird (Lesser Egret for you bird people) on our deck.....mmmmmmmm.